Spa Chemical Alternative Technical Review
One 16 ounce bottle of the Natural Spa lasts 1 to 4 months in spas up to 450 gallons. The Natural Spa is the all natural, all-in-one spa treatment endorsed by health professionals. 100% non-toxic to children, pets, and the environment. Non-irritating to eyes and skin.
The Natural Spa keeps your spa water clear and healthy for months depending on usage, water quality, and other factors. No more spa chemicals! Only when the water loses its soft and silky feel is it time to add another bottle.
The Natural Spa is an all natural product that softens water and prevents mineral deposits. This improves pump and heater operation and greatly extends equipment life.
The Effects of Natural Spa on Water:
pH - The pH of water is determined mostly by contaminants that enter the water. For example: soap residues, dead skin cells, fertilizers, human waste and urine, etc. These contaminants will cause the water pH to rise and (or) drop sharply. Until now, the only method to resume a normal or balanced pH would have been to add chemicals to the water to reverse the problematic pH symptom. Although adding a chemical will reverse the pH and provide you with a normal reading using standard pH testing procedures, the contaminant that caused the pH problem remains in the water, in addition to the newly added chemical used to reverse the problem.
Natural Spa enzymes bond to the contaminants that enter the water. The enzymes are catalysts that accelerate the conversion of contaminants to carbon dioxide and water. This action occurs whether the contaminant is acidic or alkaline. The pH level will fluctuate somewhat between approximately 7.0 and 8.4 depending on the amount of daily contamination, but should stabilize within normal range without using any chemicals. Some water is particularly ‘hard’, and may have a high pH, or may be very "soft", with a low alkalinity. Check pH prior to treatment, and adjust as necessary.
Color, Clarity and Odor - Natural Spa enzymes help the spa to break down organic contaminants in the water. These organic contaminants can promote bacteria blooms and turbidity, causing unpleasant water conditions. Inorganic contaminants that disturb water clarity are held in suspension, or flocked together and filtered out. The Natural Spa is not a bleach, so water high in minerals may exhibit a slight color. Faint odors may be generated as contaminants are broken down and "gas off". This will clear in a short time.
Bacteria - Spa water treated according to our recommendations stays safe, clean and healthy. Our customers spas are periodically chosen at random and tested for E. Coli, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus Aureus, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Legionella Pneumophilia, yeast, fungi, molds, and mildews. Coliform tests are routinely performed on heavily-used spa water. Water temperature is maintained at approximately 100 F° and the spa is covered during non-use periods. The Coliform test searches for colon bacillus and other disease generating bacteria stemming from fecal and urine contamination.
Minerals - The Natural Spa helps dissolved minerals to remain in suspension without using additional sequestering agents. The solution acts as a flocking agent and clarifier by helping clump together dirt and other solid contaminants to be captured by the filter.
Usage of Natural Spa In Hot Tubs:
Clarity's Natural Spa can be used alone or in conjunction with conventional spa chemicals. Used alone, one 16 ounce bottle per 450 gallons of spa water will maintain safe and pleasant conditions for about 20 hours of bather use. In most cases the other chemicals are no longer needed. Water temperature should be kept above 80° F with minimum circulation of twice a week, though daily circulation is preferred.
Does this product effectively kill or prevent algae, phytoplankton or diatoms in the water?
Algae - the Natural Spa is not an algaecide. Spas with covers and using the Natural Spa according to instructions, without the regular addition of toxic chemicals, have shown no algae growth in water with temperatures above 80º F and where regular circulation and filtration are present. Spas without covers will normally have algae growth on the walls and in the water. Algaecides are required in these cases, and are compatible with our formula.
Phytoplankton - Phytoplankton floats on pond surfaces. There have been no studies regarding the effect on phytoplankton. The Natural Spa effectively breaks the surface tension of the water, so it is highly unlikely that phytoplankton could survive on the surface of the water, (mosquitoes cannot land on treated water).
Diatoms - Diatoms are algae containing siliceous cell walls. No studies have been conducted on diatoms specifically but it would be highly improbable for them to reproduce.
Because the Natural Spa improves the ability of a spa to dissolve organic particles these small particles are prevented from forming larger molecular structures known as algae, phytoplankton and diatoms.
Natural Spa's Compatibility with Other Hot Tub Agents
With sanitizers - The Natural Spa is compatible with chlorine, bromine, ozone, ionization, hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet, at recommended use rates for spas. It is not compatible with biguanides.
With filtration - The Natural Spa is compatible with standard cartridge filters. Filtration is enhanced due to the flocking properties of the solution. Filtration media finer than 20 micron mesh is not recommended.
With other chemicals - The Natural Spa is compatible with many other chemicals, including those normally associated with pool and spa maintenance. Acids and oxidizers will hasten the degradation of the enzyme formula, shortening its effective life. The more aggressive the chemical, the more rapid the breakdown. Clarifiers should not be used with the Natural Spa, as the formula acts as a clarifier by itself. Additionally, some clarifiers will bond to the enzyme formula and cause it to solidify and be filtered out of the water.
Contents and Properties Of Natural Spa
Contents - The Natural Spa is made from enzymes, minerals and plant extracts, which provide longevity to the natural enzyme formula. The enzymes used are proprietary and are not available for review.
Properties - The enzyme formula in the Natural Spa has several remarkable properties. It is magnetically charged, which causes the enzymes to quickly attach to contaminants. Once attached, the enzymes increase the molecular activity in the spa, causing the contaminants to biodegrade into simpler compounds, such as carbon dioxide and water. They simply disappear, and the water remains fresh and clear.
Natural Spa's Registration Requirements
Clarity's Natural Spa is not a sanitizer, biocide, or pesticide. The EPA will only register a product as a sanitizer, biocide or pesticide if it contains an "active ingredient" that is toxic or deadly to animals and/or plants.
Clarity's Natural Spa does not contain any "active ingredient" listed by the EPA, OSHA, or the NSF. Therefore the product can not be registered as a pesticide, algaecide, or biocide. The enzyme formula is 100% safe, non-toxic, and contains all natural ingredients. The formula works in synergy with the physical elements in the spa to improve efficiency, break down organic contaminants, and help produce a healthier, more desirable environment, i.e. free of chemical irritants, with softer, clearer, more comfortable water.
Clarity's Natural Spa can not claim to "reduce, inhibit, mitigate, destroy or abate any pests", (plants, animals or bacteria) "either by itself or in combination with any other substance" (the EPA definition of a pesticide). The EPA does not allow any product not registered as a pesticide to make this claim, under penalty of civil prosecution.
Test Performed on Natural Spa
The following tests were performed on Clarity's Natural Spa at stated dilution, and results are summarized here. For full test procedures and documentation, contact us.
TOXICITY (as bottled): |
Primary Dermal Irritation: | <1 (Not a primary dermal irritant) |
Primary Ocular (eye) Irritation: | 0.3 (minor irritant) 0.0 with rinse (Non irritating) |
Oral Toxicity: |
Non-toxic @ .5% body weight dosage |
Skin Sensitization: | 0.38 (Non irritating) |
Repeated Insult Patch: | 0.0 (Non irritating) |
Sub Acute Inhalation: | No effect |
Vaginal Mucosal Irritation: | Acceptable (Non irritating) |
CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (as bottled): | |
% Nitrogen: 0.003 % Phosphorous: | 0.0058 COD as mg 03/L: 6.1 |
COLIFORM (Bac T - one bottle to 420 gals. water): | <1/1ml (spa water tested free of coliforms) |
You Really Can’t Afford Not To,
At The Very Least,
Try Clarity's Natural Spa For Yourself!


Start up or re-start your hot tub the clean and easy way with our Natural Spa Start Up Kit. Start up kit contains three bottles of Natural Spa treatment, "Crystal Clean" and one free bag of non-chlorine shock (you may want to add more shock to your order to save on shipping).
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